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( * : corresponding author;   : joint first authors) 

  1.       Wu, T. Y., Li, Y. R., Chang, K. J., Fang, J. C., Urano, D., & Liu, M. J. (2024). Modeling alternative translation initiation sites in plants reveals evolutionarily conserved cis-regulatory codes in eukaryotes. Genome research, 34(2), 272–285.
    • Highlighted  in Genome Research March 2024; 34 (3) The cover.

  2. ​      Liu, M. J., Fang, J. C., Ma, Y., Chong, G. L., Huang, C. K., Takeuchi, A., Takayanagi, N., & Ohtani, M. (2024). Frontiers in plant RNA research in ICAR2023: from lab to innovative agriculture. Plant molecular biology, 114(3), 45.

  3. Fang, J. C., & Liu, M. J. (2023). Translation initiation at AUG and non-AUG triplets in plants. Plant Science, 335, 111822.

  4. Chiu, C. W., Li, Y. R., Lin, C. Y., Yeh, H. H., & Liu, M. J. (2022). Translation initiation landscape profiling reveals hidden open-reading frames required for the pathogenesis of tomato yellow leaf curl Thailand virus. The Plant Cell, 34(5), 1804-1821.
    • Highlighted  in  “IN  BRIEF”  in  Plant  Cell,  34,  1441–1442. 

  5. Wu, T. Y., Goh, H., Azodi, C. B., Krishnamoorthi, S., Liu, M. J., & Urano, D. (2021). Evolutionarily conserved hierarchical gene regulatory networks for plant salt stress response. Nature plants, 7(6), 787-799. 

  6. Li, Y. R., & Liu, M. J. (2020). Prevalence of alternative AUG and non-AUG translation initiators and their regulatory effects across plants. Genome Research, 30(10), 1418-1433.|

  7. Kailasam, S., Singh, S., Liu, M. J., Lin, C. C., & Yeh, K. C. (2020). A HemK class glutamine‐methyltransferase is involved in the termination of translation and essential for iron homeostasis in Arabidopsis. New phytologist, 226(5), 1361-1374. 

  8. Chen, G. H., Liu, M. J., Xiong, Y., Sheen, J., & Wu, S. H. (2018). TOR and RPS6 transmit light signals to enhance protein translation in deetiolating Arabidopsis seedlings. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115(50), 12823-12828. 

  9. Liu, M. J. *, Sugimoto, K., Uygun, S., Panchy, N., Campbell, M. S., Yandell, M., ... & Shiu, S. H. (2018). Regulatory divergence in wound-responsive gene expression between domesticated and wild tomato. The Plant Cell, 30(7), 1445-1460

    • Highlighted  in  “IN  BRIEF”  in  Plant  Cell  30,  1380. 

  10. Liu, T. L., Newton, L., Liu, M. J., Shiu, S. H., & Farré, E. M. (2016). A G-box-like motif is necessary for transcriptional regulation by circadian pseudo-response regulators in Arabidopsis. Plant physiology, 170(1), 528-539. 

  11. Liu, M. J., Seddon, A. E., Tsai, Z. T. Y., Major, I. T., Floer, M., Howe, G. A., & Shiu, S. H. (2015). Determinants of nucleosome positioning and their influence on plant gene expression. Genome research, 25(8), 1182-1195. 

  12. Liu, M. J., Wu, S. H., Wu, J. F., Lin, W. D., Wu, Y. C., Tsai, T. Y., ... & Wu, S. H. (2013). Translational landscape of photomorphogenic Arabidopsis. The Plant Cell, 25(10), 3699-3710. 

  13. Liu, M. J., Wu, S. H., Chen, H. M., & Wu, S. H. (2012). Widespread translational control contributes to the regulation of Arabidopsis photomorphogenesis. Molecular systems biology, 8(1), 566. 

  14. Jiang, H. W., Liu, M. J. , Chen, I. C., Huang, C. H., Chao, L. Y., & Hsieh, H. L. (2010). A glutathione S-transferase regulated by light and hormones participates in the modulation of Arabidopsis seedling development. Plant physiology, 154(4), 1646-1658. 

  15. Chen, I. C., Huang, I. C., Liu, M. J., Wang, Z. G., Chung, S. S., & Hsieh, H. L. (2007). Glutathione S-transferase interacting with far-red insensitive 219 is involved in phytochrome A-mediated signaling in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology, 143(3), 1189-1202. 


2024 Taiwan outstanding women in science.

2022  Translation initiation landscape profiling reveals hidden open-reading frames required for the pathogenesis of tomato yellow leaf curl Thailand virus.


2022  MOST Ta-You Wu Memorial Award, Taiwan.


2021  EMBO Global Investigator.

2021  Taiwan Foundation for Advancement of Outstanding Scholarship Young Scholars’ Creativity Award, Taiwan.

2020  Taiwan Society of Plant Biologist 2020 Outstanding Young Scholar, Taiwan.

2020  Prevalence of alternative AUG and non-AUG translation initiators and their regulatory effects across plants.

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