Want to join us?
■ Postdoctoral scientists/Technicians
If you are interested in working in our lab, please contact Ming-Jung Liu directly.
■ Graduate students (MS or PhD students)
If you are interested in working in our lab, please contact Ming-Jung Liu directly and apply to one of graduate programs that Ming-Jung Liu is affiliated with.
-Translational Agriculture Sciences Ph.D. Program (
-Institute of Tropical Plant Science, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan. (
- Benefits:
■ Stipend: ~1200-1800 USD/month for PhDs and ~500-700 USD/ month for mater students
■ Subsidized national health insurance
■ 博士後研究員
有興趣加入劉明容實驗室嗎? 請直接聯絡劉明容
■ 博士班
有興趣念PhD的學生,可以報考中央研究院轉譯農業科學 ( (與成大合作),或微生物基因體學( (與興大合作) 博士學位學程。
博士班獎學金為每個月NT$24000~ NT$50000元。
■ 碩士班
Contact information

Biotechnology Center in Southern Taiwan, Academia Sinica (AS-BCST) Tainan, Taiwan
